SwanFIT Membership

SwanFIT Membership

Our SwanFIT Membership group fitness classes essentially provide you with a personal trainer and a tight-knit team of gym buddies rolled into one. Sessions are taken by 2 expert trainers and limited to 20 people per class.

We pride ourselves on teaching our clients the perfect technique throughout the sessions, ensuring they are performing to their best ability & getting true value for money. Techniques and habits that will last you for life!

Swan Membership

Your Swan Membership Package

I’ve been a member of SwanFIT now for a year and have never before kept to a gym regime like it. The fact that the trainers can motivate me to get up in the 4’s to be at the gym at 5am and attend 5 classes most weeks show just how fun, different and challenging the classes can be. There is a style of class that suits everyone and different session times to suit most lifestyles.
— Sarah White
I joined SwanFIT less than a year ago and after the first 6 week challenge I lost 5% body fat and built muscle. I genuinely feel more agile and strong in everyday activities. The trainers keep you motivated and have the flexibility to even change workouts when you suffer injuries, which you just don’t get at any other gym.
— Brandon Clarke
SwanFIT Membership

Member Options

1 month membership: $65 per week
6 month membership: $60 per week
12 month membership: $55 per week


SwanFIT Training Methods

SwanFIT functional

Functional Training

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Strength & Resistance

SwanFIT conditioning


We pride ourselves on looking at your fitness goals and expectations from a holistic perspective - which is why our training environment is unlike any other right from day 1 of your journey.

Instead of focusing on one or two fitness routines, our training methods encompass a comprehensive range of techniques that have delivered proven results. Combinations of Functional, Strength & Resistance and Conditioning methods are utilised through our programmes.

Train Smarter - we teach, train and monitor your practical fitness techniques to ensure you are extracting maximum output from your sessions.

SwanFIT Trial

Introductory Offer

Nervous, a ‘first-timer’, uncertain….

get a taste for it with our ‘3 for free’ trial

About SwanFIT

The SwanFIT Philosophy


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