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Our Training Philosophy

At SwanFIT, we offer a truly unique environment that dares to be different - because we 100% know our programmes work.

We deliver life changing functional training, strength and resistance, and conditioning classes and build a community-spirit where everyone support’s each other’s journey.

And we can 100% make things happen for you. If you dare to believe in yourself.

SwanFIT about

For our experienced training team, it’s about building that personal connection with each client much like a personal trainer does. But we have the flexibility to do this in an affordable way that is very hard to find elsewhere in the fitness industry. Not only do we want our clients to follow our guidance during classes, but we also teach them the knowledge of correct technique and nutrition to be able to continue carrying this on in their everyday lives, outside of the SwanFIT classes.

All our classes are uniquely different, filled with positive vibes and so much energy.

Get ready to tear down obstacles of your mind and body and launch your new you.

SwanFIT Offer

Introductory Offer

Nervous, a ‘first-timer’, uncertain….

Get a taste for it with our ‘3 for free’ trial

What is functional training?

Standard gyms use a bunch of machines, which incorrectly target muscles in isolation - but that’s not how your body is supposed to function. Functional training is based on movement patterns, not muscles. It will make you stronger relative to your body weight. And it trains your core for its purpose: which is actually to resist motion.

Why our functional training can work for you.

Functional training (done right) has a huge carry over to life outside the gym. So, whether you’re training for sport or the game of life, we know everyone can benefit from it. Our sessions will not only help get you in great shape, can also assist with injury prevention and improve your mobility, ‘everyday’ strength and athletic performance.

Strength & resistance the SwanFIT way.

In conjunction with our functional training methods, we integrate strength and resistance classes that compliment your fitness journey. And at SwanFIT, our strength classes aren’t all about pumping big blocks of iron around. We train smarter, concentrating on great technique for maximum results. And we look to imbed these techniques so you can utilise them long into the future.

Conditioning your body, and mind.

SwanFIT conditioning exercises are a fundamental part of our sessions, as they aim to complete the full training circle amongst our functional and strength & resistance full-body fitness elements. You will experience benefits such as increased mobility and agility, decreased risk of injury, increased muscle tissue health and stamina. The end result is enabling you to do life better.

SwanFIT team

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